My primary research focuses on international relations, politics, migration, international cooperation, security and strategy, with a particular focus on Southeast Europe. I research the relations between the countries in the region, as well as their position and dynamics in relation to the East, and the West. Additionally, the influence of political and economic decisions on regional integration and migration flows. Nevertheless, I pay special attention to the role of education in social processes.
December 2023 – Present – The European Cooperation in Science and Technology, GLITSS – Globalization, Illicit Trade, Sustainability and Security, WG 2.
July, 2024 – Present – The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), Project European Network on International Student Mobility: Connecting Research and Practice (ENIS), working member in WG 1,2,3,4,5.
May, 2018 – June, 2020 – Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, Prishtina, Kosovo, Project FRED, Fostering Rapprochement through Education for Democracy and Language Learning. Consultant / Expert / Trainer of trainers.
April, 2017 – December, 2017 – Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, Project Online resources development. The exploration of best practices of online resources and their presentation. Consultant / Expert / Team leader.
October, 2016 – June, 2017 – Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, Project Strengthening Education for Democracy. Consultant / Expert / Trainer of trainers.
August, 2018 – Until today – Care with Association, Sarajevo, BiH, German and Bosnian language teacher.
January, 2005 – July, 2006 – NGO VIVE Women, Tuzla, BiH, Volunteer German language Teacher.
Professional Affiliations and Community Engagement:
Education as a Prevention Measure against Radicalization and towards Building Inclusive Societies, Conference, Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH and Council of Europe, April 2017.
International education forum “Retreat to better strike”, from 09.07.2021 to 11.07.2021 in Gamlitz, Austria, representing an overall workload of 30 hours.
Learning and living Pestalozzi Program values and principles in education, Online workshop, Council of Europe, 2016.
“United Nations official commemoration of the international day for the elimination of violence against women” Online conference, November 24, 2021.
First International Conference on Education, Mostar, July 2017.
La Republique Democratique du Congo au Centre du Development de l Afriquecentrale, Conference, Beijing, China, Communaute Congolaise en formation en China, December 2017.
UNʼs Role in International Security and Disarmament, Conference, Beijing, China, CFAU, November 2017.
Impact and implementation of PESTALOZZI PROGRAM in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Conference in Mostar, June 2016.
Balkans – China Post – Cold War Connectivity, Conference, Beijing, China, CFAU, May 2018.
Trump, US administration and World order, Conference, Beijing, China, CFAU, April, 2018.
Education in Conflict and Post – Conflict Contexts UWC Mostar, Workshop, Mostar, December 2019.
Child Protection for International Schools Level 2, Workshop, January 2019.
Women, Peace and Security Agenda in South – East Europe: How NATO and National Governments Translate Commitments into Action, Regional Conference, Sarajevo, BiH, July 2019
Introduction to the public international law (and criminal law), CCNA, Wuhan, October 2019.
Silk Road E-Commerce Capacity Building Exchange Seminar, MOFCOM, Shanghai China, 2019.
Remembering Bosnia: 25 years after, online conversations with survivors of the Srebrenica Genocide, online webinar, July 2020.
Dayton Generation: The Future of BiH in the Eyes of the Young. After Dayton? online conference, November 2020.
Communication: How to communicate effectively across cultures, OeAD-Austria´s Agency for Education and Internationalizations, online training, on 3 March 2021.
“Violations of international humanitarian law and of human rights in Ukraine”, Guest lecture by Prof. Wolfgang Benedek, Chair of mission of experts under the OSCE Moscow Mechanism on the situation in Ukraine, University of Sarajevo, May 09, 2022.
International Conference: Balkans 2030 “The Balkans in the EU and NATO – Peace in Europe!” June 9 and 10, 2022, participating countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Kosovo, organized by Institute for Geopolitics, Economy and Security, Sarajevo (IGES), Center for Advanced Studies, Sarajevo (CNS), Institute of Political Studies Sami Frashëri, Tirana
Forum Coffee and Tea China and BiH, Sarajevo, August, 2022.